Photo: LauriPatterson / E+ / Getty Images
Every Friday, we bring you the stories that have slipped through the cracks and dub them the Nine News Nuggets You Need To Know.
Here's what nuggets we found this week!
Honorable Mention: Influencer captures close encounter with bear in den
9: Man receives $1.4 million speeding ticket for going 90 mph in a 55 zone
8: Police say a pair took an NYC subway train on a joyride and crashed it. They have arrested 1 teen
7: Panting Panda Exposes Chinese Zoo's Scam Using Painted Dogs as New Attraction
6: Nudist pals take naked six-day tandem bike trip across England
5: Disastrous New York Vegandale compared to Fyre Festival
4: Decapitated child skeletons point to medieval 'anti-vampire ritual'
3: Rare smelly penguin wins New Zealand bird of the year contest
2: Python grabs Thai woman, squeezes her two hours before she can be freed
1: Man who denied masturbating in public in Cork town said he was sanding paint roller