Fork Report

Fork Report

Listen to the Fork Report every Saturday from 2 pm - 5pm on KFI AM 640!Full Bio


Don Francisco's Coffee

Don Francisco’s Coffee family history goes back 150 yrs as growers and roasters. They have spet 50 years roasting in Los Angeles with their company F. Gavina & Sons, Inc.

Lisette Gavina Lopez a 4th generation coffee roaster came in to celebrate National Coffee Day with us. Discussing the quality control, cupping, what is a green bean, the importance of packaging, coffee growing regions, what makes a great cup of coffee, and what's in store for the business and family.

They have achieved 100% zero waste to landfill and are proud of their sustainability practices via their direct impact program. The company is responsible for such iconic brands as: Don Francisco's coffee, Jose's Gourmet coffee at Costco, Cafe La Llave - a favorite among hispanics, and Gavina Gourmet which is what you drink at Porto's bakery.

Just opened their first every flagship store in DTLA Don Francisco's Coffee Casa Cubana now you can not only have your coffee brewed for you, but you can eat some delicious food inspired by their spanish/basque and cuban roots.

Enter for a chance to win FREE coffee for a year! CLICK HERE

Don Franciscos Coffee, Don Franciso's Coffee Casa Cubana, Instragram, Twitter

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