Photo: AaronAmat / iStock / Getty Images
Katie Silcox, New York Times Best-Selling Author of Healthy, Happy, Sexy and author of soon-to-be published, Glow Worthy is talking all things self love. Katie’s latest book, Glow-Worthy: Practices for Awakening Your Inner Light and Loving Yourself as You Are - Broken, Beautiful, and Sacred is available October 3, 2023. Glow-Worthy is a guidebook for accessing your inner light—that guiding spiritual force within us that connects us to the Divine (whether you believe that to be the Universe, God, or another Higher Power)—and letting it illuminate your innate power and worth. Glow-Worthy’s powerful framework combining modern science and wisdom from global spiritual traditions will help you live a fuller, more soulful life—no matter your background or faith.