Bill Handel

Bill Handel

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Texas Mom Says Unborn Baby Should Count as Passenger in HOV Lane

A Texas mom is making the case that her unborn baby should count as a passenger in the HOV lane after receiving a ticket violation.

Brandy Bottone was 34 weeks pregnant when she was stopped by a Texas Department of Public Safety officer while driving in the HOV lane.

According to the state law, the HOV lane is for a vehicle occupied by two or more people or a motorcyclist.

Bottone argued that her unborn child should count as a passenger and in an interview with The Dallas Morning News she said the state can't have it both ways; the state penal code recognizes the unborn child as a person, but the state's transportation code doesn't clarify either way

"One law is saying that this is a baby and now he's telling me this baby that's jabbing my ribs is not a baby. Why can't it all make sense?"

Bottone is now 36 weeks pregnant and has hired an attorney to help her fight the $275 ticket.

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