Have you ever wanted to meet Bill Handel in person and see if he's really that much of an a-hole?
Have you ever wanted to see a live broadcast?
Then join Bill Handel & the morning crew at Morongo for an EXCLUSIVE listener event!
It's all happening Thursday, February 21.
You'll check in Thursday afternoon, then that evening, you'll enjoy an exclusive cocktail party with some great food, followed by a slot tournament hosted by the morning crew.
The next morning, you'll join the morning crew for a LIVE broadcast complete with a private breakfast buffet (it's Handel, of course he's feeding you!) At the end of the broadcast, we'll reveal the winners of the slot tournament!
But hurry...Packages are LIMITED!
Call Morongo at 888- MORONGO (888-667-6646) and ask for "Bill Handel's Package" to find out package prices for one or two people, depending on room.
(All packages are under $205, that includes your room, tax, resort fee, and food at the cocktail party and the breakfast buffet.