Bill Handel

Bill Handel

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Lisa Bloom to Vindicate Herself on The View

That's the plan, at least.

This Friday, The View will be joined by famed civil rights attorney Lisa Bloom.

Sources say that the influential lawyer will use the opportunity to explain the rationale behind her taking on Harvey Weinstein as a client.  She's already gone on the record with Buzzfeed to briefly justify her mentality in working with the fallen movie mogul:

"‘Here is my chance to get to the root of the problem from the inside . . . and to get a guy to handle this thing in a different way.’ I thought that would be a positive thing, but clearly it did not go over at all.” 

- Lisa Bloom

She went on to explain that she could now see that her just being associated with the Weinstein scandal was a mistake.  Surprisingly, she didn’t think it would be controversial.

The View will air on Friday, November 10 on ABC.

Bloom's appearance on the view comes just two weeks after her scheduled interview on the Bill Handel Show didn't take place.  Listen to Ms. Bloom's enthralling non-interview in the iHeartRadio player below!

Photos by Getty Images.

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