Wake Up Call

Wake Up Call

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Ask An Astronaut!

Col. Nick HaguePhoto: U.S. Space Force

** If you have a question you've always wanted to ask an astronaut, send an email with Question for Col. Hague in the subject line to AmyKing@iHeartMedia.com **

The first U.S. Space Force Guardian is ready to go to space!

Col. Nick Hague will serve as the pilot on NASA's Space X Crew-9 mission aboard the Dragon spacecraft set to head to the International Space Station this summer.

He and his crewmates: Commander Zena Cardman, Mission Specialist Stephanie Wilson and Roscomos cosmonaut Mission Specialist Aleksandr Gorbunov will spend six months at the space station.

In a statement, Hague said:

"The core of our mission on the space station is to perform science experiments and collect data. The International Space Station provides a unique platform in microgravity, which allows researchers from around the world to explore and discover processes that could have significant impact on the behavior of our bodies and the environment around us both on Earth and off planet."

Col. Hague's first traveled to space in 2018, but it is his first flight as a Space Force Guardian. He is representing almost 14,000 military and civilian Guardians who support NASA and commercial space missions.

"Being a part of this mission is a unique honor, but it's truly a collective effort. Guardians worldwide ensure safe and secure operations of critical systems for launch and on station. From GPS sattelites that underpin our station navigation systems, to space domain awareness sites around the globe that help NASA prevent orbital debris from colliding with the space station, to the launch range that my crew will use when we liftoff, Guardians provide critical support without which our NASA human spaceflight program wouldn't be possible."

Amy has been chatting with Col. Hague on Wake Up Call, hear his latest interview below!

Interested in becoming an Astronaut? They're taking applications...you can apply right here!

Listen to Col. Hague's previous interviews with Amy below.

Photo: NASA

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