Photo: gehringj / E+ / Getty Images
Today at 3pm, Jay Beeber, executive director of policy at National Motorists Association joins the John Kobylt show to scrutinize California's contentious driving legislation. The proposed installation of speed limiters on new cars, aimed at enhancing road safety, could instead disrupt traffic flow and heighten collision risks, particularly on highways. SB-961's speed restrictions might impede collision avoidance and delay emergency responses, potentially endangering lives.
These laws could significantly hinder safe passing on highways, particularly impacting rural drivers. GPS inaccuracies could exacerbate dangers, potentially leading to catastrophic collisions. SB-961's restrictions could also compromise the ability to escape dangerous situations, impacting victims of domestic violence and those fleeing natural disasters.
Furthermore, these laws could discourage new vehicle sales, resulting in heightened pollution and significant economic setbacks for the auto industry. Tune in at 3pm or watch out for the podcast episode to discover how California's driving landscape could be transformed, impacting far beyond the state borders.