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Why you should support this campaign
In June, the City of Los Angeles and Councilmember Mike Bonin, drastically reduced regional connecting streets, including Vista del Mar, Venice and Culver, by cutting down on lanes. LA City Hall passed "Vision Zero" in 2015 as an emergency executive directive without the vote or input of the voters. Vision Zero is the city's plan to eliminate all traffic deaths by extending curbs and cutting down traffic lanes.
To make matters worse, Councilman Mike Bonin, led a vote in the Transportation Committee to reallocate 2/3 of the funds for Measure M passed last November by the city voters for mass transportation to their Vision Zero plan.
While there are plenty of options that can make our roads safer, no options were studied or discussed before these changes suddenly occurred. We are pro-safety, but also in favor of fact-based open government!
We’ve already begun the organizing to fight back and now we need your help! We need your donation to begin the Recall process. Your support will help in setting up the operations necessary for the recall effort. This will include: setting up databases, web pages, social media, signature capturing and GOTV.
July 1, 2017 Mike Bonin commences term
Charter 431(b) of LA City Charter calls for official to hold term three (3) months
October 1, 2017 Recall Notice of Intention to be delivered to Mike Bonin and to City Clerk. Publish in newspapers within 14 days in multiple languages and provide proof to City Clerk
October 5, 2017 Two (2) uncirculated draft petitions submitted to City Clerk
October 29, 2017 Recall Petition can begin to be circulated
Feb 26, 2018. 120 days, time all signatures must be gathered within
All sections must be filed at same time with the City Clerk who issues a Conditional Acceptance of Filing receipt stating the number of signatures claimed.
City Clerk conducts initial review and issues a Final Acceptance of Filing receipt
March 28, 2018. City Clerk has 30 days for Examination of Recall Petitions and to issue a certification of sufficiency to the City Council
April 16, 2018. City Council has 20 days to take action and call for a special election
Recall Election est June 2018
Language: Notice and each Petition must be printed in both English and a minority language if more than 5% of the District's voting age population is of that minority language group and the language is identified as a Voting Rights Act language for LA County.
Petition Signature: Number of signatures required for Recall petitions is 15% of the registered voters eligible to vote for the District. Multiple petition sections may be circulated but only one person shall circulate each petition section. Circulators shall be at least 18 yrs old and registered or qualified to register to vote in the State.