Man Sought for Exposing Himself in Fryman Canyon Park Area

Photo: Fryman Canyon Instagram Page

STUDIO CITY (CNS) - A man has been exposing himself in the Fryman Canyon Park area near Studio City, and authorities Wednesday urged anyone knowing his identity to call police.

Images of the man have been posted on the FrymanCanyonOfficial Instagram page, and one person reported seeing the man "touching himself" near a hiking trail.

The Los Angeles Police Department said it was increasing patrols in the area.

"It was shocking, definitely, I don't want to see that ... when I'm hiking," one hiker told Fox11. "I just looked at him, he looked down, he does not seem to engage with you and make any eye contact, but yeah I was in shock."

Community members reported seeing the man off the trail, with the most recent sighting last Sunday. A posted photo shows the man in a chair on the side of the road, in nothing but blue shorts, with his hand in his pants.

Posts on the Instagram page have put the focus on the man for the past two weeks, but LAPD officials said there have been three calls to the area for similar reports, with the first coming just before Christmas 2022. In each case, the LAPD said that by the time officers arrived the man was gone.

Residents have described him as about 5-feet-9 inches tall, with black hair and a mustache. Anyone with information about the suspect is asked to call 877-LAPD-247.

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