Razzies Rescind `Worst Actress' Nomination for 12-Year-Old Performer

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LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Organizers of the Razzie Awards -- the annual tongue-in-cheek "honors" recognizing what it deems the worst films and performances of the past year -- have rescinded the nomination they announced earlier this week for a 12-year-old actress, a pick that generated online backlash.

The Razzie nominations announced Monday morning included a "worst actress" nod for adolescent "Firestarter" actress Ryan Kiera Armstrong.

The nomination was met with angry feedback on social media, with organizers facing a host of criticism for including a 12-year-old girl on such a dubious list.

"The razzies are already mean-spirited & classless, but to nominate a kid is just repulsive & wrong," 11-year-old "WandaVision" actor Julian Hilliard wrote on his Twitter account. "Why put a kid at risk of increased bullying or worse? Be better."

Feeling the heat, Razzie organizers announced Tuesday that they were taking back Armstrong's nomination.

"In light of feedback, which we've come to agree with, the @RazzieAwards will not be including Ryan Kiera Armstrong on the final voting ballot," the organization wrote on its Twitter page.

Razzie founder John Wilson said in a statement that the organization has also taken the step of instituting a policy against nominating any performer under age 18 for its awards, formally known as the Golden Raspberry Awards.

"Sometimes, you do things without thinking, then you are called out for it. Then you get it. It's why the Razzies were created in the first place," Wilson said. "... As a result, we have removed Armstrong's name from the final ballot that our members will cast next month. We also believe a public apology is owed Ms. Armstrong, and wish to say we regret any hurt she experienced as a result of our choices.

"Having learned from this lesson, we would also like to announce that, from this point forward, we are adopting a voting guideline precluding any performer or filmmaker under 18 years of age from being considered for our awards," he said. "We have never intended to bury anyone's career. It is why our Redeemer Award was created. We all make mistakes, very much us included. Since our motto is `Own Your Bad,' we realize that we ourselves must also live up to it."

"Winners" of the 43rd Razzies will be announced on March 11, a day before the 95th Academy Awards ceremony.

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