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Caruso and Bass To Square Off in November Runoff to Become L.A. Mayor

Los Angeles Democratic Mayoral Candidate Rep. Karen Bass Holds Primary Night Event

Photo: Getty Images

Businessman Rick Caruso and U.S. Rep Karen Bass will go head to head in a November Runoff Election to become the next Mayor of Los Angeles. November's election will be very important as it will decide which candidate will succeed current Los Angeles Mayor, Eric Garcetti.

As results for the primary election rolled in last night, Caruso held a lead over Bass. As of writing, Caruso had 42% of votes and Bass had 37%.

Kevin de Leon stayed in third place behind Bass and Caruso. Up until last minute, de Leon was out with the people encouraging them to vote!

Los Angeles Democratic Mayoral Candidate Rick Caruso Holds Primary Night Event

Photo: Getty Images

Quickly after results were announced, Caruso and Bass both took the stage at their individual events.

Los Angeles Democratic Mayoral Candidate Rep. Karen Bass Holds Primary Night Event

Photo: Getty Images

According to a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll- most voters focused on three issues when voting:

  • homelessness
  • housing affordability
  • crime and public safety

During the early stages of her campaign, Karen Bass promised that within her first year in office, if elected, she would provide housing for 15,000 unhoused people around Los Angeles.

On the other hand, Rick Caruso promised that he would provide shelter for 30,000 people around the city and would increase the LAPD by hiring 1,500 more officers.

If elected, Karen Bass would be the first woman to hold the title of Los Angeles Mayor.

Caruso has spent millions of his own money to spread the word about his campaign and it is likely that will continue in the coming months.

It will be an interesting couple of months for Los Angeles!

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