The John Kobylt Show

The John Kobylt Show

Listen to John Kobylt Weekdays from 1 PM - 4 PM on KFI AM 640!Full Bio


Gov. Dippity-Do is Spending Like A Drunken Sailor

Gov. Dippity-Do is in full panic mode and is trying to spend his way out of the recall effort against him. Newsom wants to dip heavily into CA's $76 billion surplus.

Jon Coupal, President of the great Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association put out an opinion piece where he notes that Newsom is spending so much so fast that the non-partisan Legislative Analyst's Office who watches California's fiscal and policy affairs says to wait-up !!

From Jon's piece:

In essence, the LAO is asking Gov. Newsom, what’s your hurry? We suspect that the truthful answer to that question is that the governor is under the political pressure of the pending recall election. The Legislature is constitutionally mandated to pass the budget by June 15th. Taxpayers should demand that our elected leadership exercise prudence and restraint in fulfilling their obligations and reject the excesses and errors in the governor’s proposal. Adopting the recommendations of the LAO would be a good place to start.

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