The John Kobylt Show

The John Kobylt Show

Listen to John Kobylt Weekdays from 1 PM - 4 PM on KFI AM 640!Full Bio


Join The "LA Drive For Freedom" To Support Re-Opening Los Angeles

Tired of staying home and not working? Join the LA Drive For Freedom protest this Saturday to let city officials know you want them to re-open Los Angeles already.

When: May 2nd at 10 a.m.

Where: South Centinela Ave.

Why: To fight for our freedoms.

Here's more information from the leaders leading this peaceful protest:

"Government is in OVEREACH! Time to give our lives back! If we can't work they should not be PAID! Let LA socially distance at work NOW. In days, business that lasted a lifetime may fail. There's NOT enough government money to sustain California businesses and LA is HEALTHY ENOUGH to go BACK TO WORK & NATURE NOW!

This is peaceful non-partisan event, bring you patriotism not your politics!

Please come back for a map and details as they evolve before the event!

All attendees must be in the car occupied by people of the same household not to exceed 5 people

Cars must maintain a 6 foot distance and no passing of items from cars

No restrooms available, attendees must stay in the cars they came in.

Car windows to generally remain closed during the event

Please tape signs to the sides of your car CA and US flags are great! 

Guide us, don't restrict us! Open LA now! We all have families to feed too!

Government is in overreach! Time to give our lives back! If we can't work YOU should not be PAID! BRING YOUR PATRIOTISM NOT POLITICS!
Before The Event We Are Pre-Parking On Ample Open Safe Street Parking!

GUIDELINES: Please park consciously and 6 feet away from one another and remain in your car until the Zoom call ( info to the right leads the LA DRIVE FOR FREEDOM. Please arrive to staging area for the event no earlier then 930AM and no later then 9:50 AM. We start the FREEDOM DRIVE promptly at 10AM to approximately NOON.

SIGNAGE: Please tape your signs to your car exteriors. Also welcome are FLAGS, both US and CALIFORNIA are great! Signs should support openly LA now for business and protecting our business owners and employees safely NOW! 

FOLLOW THE LEADER FORMAT: Once on the ZOOM call. A lead car will indicate the map and send the information as well. ( From WLA to City Hall, Eric Garcetti, Mike Bonin's House and More!) Final Drive MAP to be posted HERE Between NOON-7PM Friday.



For more information, visit their website here.

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