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Hong Kong Man Accused of Killing Family with Gas Filled Yoga Ball

A man in Hong Kong is on trial for reportedly killing his wife and daughter with a gas filled yoga ball.

Anesthesiologist Khaw Kim-Sun, 53, placed a leaking yoga ball filled with carbon monoxide in the trunk of his wife's mini cooper on May 22, 2015. The Malaysian national was allegedly having an affair and had become estranged from his wife and four children that he lived with.  

Kim-Sun was having an affair with a student from the teaching hospital he worked at. The student also helped him in obtaining the carbon monoxide. 

Hong Kong's South China Morning Post reported that Kim-Sun's wife and 16-year-old daughter were both found unconscious in their car about an hour after leaving their home. Although the mini cooper showed no signs of defects, the pair were declared dead from severe carbon monoxide poisoning. 

Kim-Sun reportedly told police he wanted to use the carbon monoxide to exterminate rats at his home. But a household assistant employed by the family testified that the house did not have a rodent problem. 

The paper quoted prosecutor Andrew Bruce saying Kim-Sun was unaware his daughter was home from school on the day she died and "the last thing [Kim-Sun] wanted was for his 16-year-old to die."

"(But) if that person knew what was in the car was carbon monoxide and knew it was a dangerous gas likely to kill you, you can confirm this person had homicide on his mind," Bruce was quoted telling the jury.

Kim-Sun was just recently arrested last September and his trial began Wednesday where he pleaded not guilty. 

Photo: Getty Images

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