The John Kobylt Show

The John Kobylt Show

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No Show Newsom – Frontrunner Bails on Debate to Attend Fundraiser

All of the candidates for governor turned up to USC Monday night to debate. Well....all but No Show Newsom. 

Businessman John Cox brought the absence up, twice. Even Democrat John Chiang didn't pass up the opportunity to take a dig at Newsom. 

“If he doesn’t respect you now as a candidate, why should you trust him as Governor?” Chiang said. 

The debate lasted 90 minutes and focused on issues in California ranging from immigration to housing. 

"You take a look at the state of California – it has been run into the ground by Jerry Brown and the Brown family," Assemblyman Travis Allen said about tax cuts in the state. 

Snake Tony Villar was a dud and didn't say anything of note. 

Watch the debate at NBCLA News

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