The John Kobylt Show

The John Kobylt Show

Listen to John Kobylt Weekdays from 1 PM - 4 PM on KFI AM 640!Full Bio


Assemblyman calls for state budget surplus to be refunded to taxpayers

State Assemblyman Matthew Harper (R-Huntington Beach) is calling on the California Legislature to give back the state's expected budget surplus to the taxpayers.

A report from the Legislative Analysts Office shows that California will have a surplus of $7.5 billion for the upcoming fiscal year. Harper said in a press release:

"This surplus is a direct result of Capitol Democrats overtaxing hardworking Californians. The California State Income Tax should be abolished and if the Democrats that dominate the Legislature won't do that, then they should at least work with Republicans to decrease rates for all taxpayers. Rather than expanding an ever-growing list of government programs, our leaders should figure out a way to return that money to the people who earned in the first place.”

Assemblyman Harper joined us this afternoon to talk more:

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