The John Kobylt Show

The John Kobylt Show

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Effort Begins to Stop Sanctuary State Law

(Above: Sen. Kevin de Leon and Gov. Jerry Brown at an event in Bell Gardens in July, 2017. Photo by Eric Leonard.

A group plans to begin gathering signatures to try to repeal California's so-called "Sanctuary State" bill that was signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown earlier this month.

The Secretary of State's office said Monday the organizers of the referendum to reverse the effects of Senate Bill 54 could begin work to qualify it for the November, 2018 statewide election.

"This is about restoring the rule of law and protecting American citizens over criminal aliens," referendum spokesman Ben Bergquam told KFI NEWS. "I think everybody in the state should be able to get behind that."

SB-54, authored by State Sen. Kevin de Leon, placed restrictions on interactions between local police and federal immigration agents with the goal of shielding more people living in California from the possibility of deportation.

The law will take effect in 2018 unless the opponents gather the nearly 370,000 signatures required to place the measure on the ballot. If they meet at January 3, 2018 deadline, SB-54 would be placed on hold until the outcome of the November, 2018 election. 

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