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Inmate sues penal system after suffering 91-hour erection

Credit: Getty Images

Oklahoma inmate Dustin Lance is suing the prison he was being held in for $5 million because they refused to give him medical treatment for his painful 91-hour erection.

32-year-old Lance says he suffered permanent injury from his long-lasting erection in December 2016, after staff at the Pittsburg County jail made fun of him instead of helping him.

Lance says another inmate gave him a pill, and then the next morning he told the jail staff that he was in "unbearable pain" from the erection that refused to let up.

Workers repeatedly made fun of Lance and denied him medical treatment for four days, according to the lawsuit.

When he finally was taken to a hospital, doctors were unable to treat him and determined that he needed urologist immedieatly.

But instead, the jail staff brought him back to the prison and let him go on his own recognizance. County officials are trying to dismiss the lawsuit over a clerical error. It's full of defendants including the Pittsburg County Sheriff, three deputies and a nurse.

Lance in in prison for burglary and possession of a controlled substance. Prosecutors dismissed his felony charges to a misdemeanor. So no hard time for Lance.

Click here for more at the New York Post.

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