Woman Alleges College Nurse Fondled Her, Then Asked for $200 Exam Fee

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - A woman is suing the Los Angeles Community College District, alleging a district nurse inappropriately touched her during what was supposed to be a visit to get vaccinations at Los Angeles Southwest College in 2019 and later asked her to pay a $200 examination fee.

The plaintiff is identified only as Jane Doe in the Los Angeles Superior Court lawsuit, in which her allegations include sexual assault and battery, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence, negligent hiring, supervision and retention, sexual harassment and negligence. She seeks unspecified damages in the suit brought Monday.

An LACCD representative said Friday that the district has not been served with the suit and therefore had no comment.

The plaintiff went to the college clinic on Jan. 2, 2019, for a routine physical examination and to get vaccinations, both of which were done by a doctor, the suit states. Before departing, the woman was told by a male nurse that she would need more vaccinations during a future date, the suit states.

The plaintiff returned six days later and the nurse said he would give her the shots before the clinic got busy, the suit states. After vaccinating the plaintiff, the nurse said he needed to do another physical evaluation, the suit states.

"Plaintiff was apprehensive and questioned him about it, but he told her that it was a school requirement so that (she) could remain in her program," the suit states.

The nurse inappropriately touched the plaintiff during the examination, prompting the woman to shove his hand away, according to the suit, which further states the nurse explained that what he did was part of the examination.

After the plaintiff dressed, the nurse asked for a $200 examination fee and said he only accepted cash, the suit states.

Doe told the nurse she had only $50, which the nurse took as sufficient payment, the suit states. Doe asked for the written reports of the exam, but the nurse said he would complete the forms later, the suits states. Doe asked the nurse about the reports again the next day and he said they had been submitted to the office, the suit states.

Doe talked to a classmate in her program about the examination and that person said the physical examination was not supposed to involve undressing or being fondled, the suit states.

The plaintiff believes the nurse remained working as a nurse until recently and that his nursing license is scheduled to be revoked, the suit states.

Doe has suffered severe emotional distress due to the nurse's alleged sexual misconduct, the suit states.

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