Healthy and happy relationships take work. If you want it to last a lifetime, you need to continue the work. We found this fascinating article in The New York Times. Couples counselors and sex therapists suggested these questions and said they should spark interesting conversation, whether you are in a decades-long relationship or a relatively new one, and become easier to ask and answer with practice.
1. What do we like to do together for fun?
2. Who takes out the garbage now? (Redefine gender roles)
3. What is one thing we like about our sex life?
4. How have we helped each other through hard times?
5. Are we still on the same page about monogamy? Update their “monogamy agreements.” But what about online conversations? “What about things like pornography?” “What about flirting with a friend? What about having lunch with an ex?”
6. What is something that is worrying you that you haven’t told me about yet? (Ask weekly)
7. How can I help you feel more loved?