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Maybe if we spot the signs early enough, we could avoid some crazy situations. These are red flags and turn offs according to science.
1. Unambitious–This characteristic refers to people who seem lazy and lack direction, goals, and determination in life. Unambitious people tend to be highly dependent on others and relatively indecisive, which may make it difficult for a potential partner to predict what a future together may look like.
2. Hostile–A hostile partner was described as someone wicked, malicious, grumpy, and unfriendly. These unattractive characteristics suggest a disagreeable or antisocial personality that is likely to persist across time and situations.
3. Filthy–Go figure, people tend to reject partners who are dirty and stinky. Nothing that a shower and shave can’t fix, right? Perhaps not. This characteristic also refers to slovenly or messy partners who are undemanding or unconcerned with themselves and their appearance.
4. Arrogant–Arrogant partners tend to be overly confident, opinionated, and egotistical–all traits often associated with subclinical narcissism. A psychologist once joked that dating a narcissistic partner is like eating chocolate cake. It may sound good at first, but over time, it can make you sick to your stomach.
5. Unattractive–For some daters, a partner’s physical appearance matters greatly. Unfortunately, someone who is characterized as ugly or has a socially undesirable body type may be a non-starter for some people.
6. Clingy–A “stage 5 clinger” especially values commitment and is insistent and demanding of their partner’s time. Clinginess may reflect an anxious, insecure attachment style. When clingy partners think about relationships, they may have negative views of themselves–"I'm not good enough"–and positive views of others–"My partner can meet my needs."
7. Abusive–A potential partner who displays aggressive, violent, and abusive tendencies is a major red flag. Given the negative impact that being in an abusive relationship can have on people’s physical and mental health, it is not surprising that single people view potential partners who might be abusive as a non-starter.
For more information check out Psychology Today.