WATCH: Sephora Robbers Fill Bags With Makeup In Front Of Customers In L.A

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Sephora customers were caught off guard when three robbers walked into the Cerritos store on Saturday and began to casually remove all of the makeup from the shelves. No one even broke into the Los Cerritos Shopping Center that houses the Sephora. The robbers simply walked into the center with everyone else.

According to FOXNEWS, the Los Angeles Police Department confirmed multiple robberies throughout the mall on Saturday including one that took place in the Forever 21.

A detailed video was posted on TikTok by Jessica Ortiz, a customer shopping for concealer inside of Sephora at the time of the robbery. She was able to record the suspects haphazardly stealing the makeup. The video shows three suspects wearing hoodies filling large black trash bags with makeup as customers continued to shop around.

"I was just trying to pick out a concealer then heard a BANG," Ortiz detailed in the caption of the video. The video also detailed the location and date of the crime.

The suspects were not caught, and fled the scene without harming the Sephora staff or its customers. FOXNEWS mentioned the recent rise in theft throughout the city, noting that a lot of the robberies are happening in broad daylight.

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