Zippy Chippy, Horse Racing's Most Beloved Loser, Dies at 31

Zippy Chippy, the racehorse who became famous not for his wins, but for losing 100 races has died at 31.

Zippy Chippy's owner-trainer Felix Montserrate got the horse in 1995 in exchange for a Ford pickup truck.

Throughout his racing career, Zippy Chippy came in second place eight times and third place 12 times with career earnings of $30,834.

The so-called "lovable loser" even made People magazine's list of most intriguing personalities in 2000.

Zippy Chippy's lost his final and 100th race in 2004.

Three months after that, he retired and had a brief career as an outrider’s pony guiding horses to the starting gate at his hometown track in Farmington, New York.

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