Police Seeking Hit-And-Run Motorist in Pedestrian Injury, Searching for Dog

Focus on police yellow crime scene tape with scene in rear

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LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Authorities today sought the public's help to find the hit-and-run motorist responsible for badly injuring a woman as she crossed a downtown Los Angeles street while carrying her dog -- and to find the missing animal.

Sandra Martin, 61, was crossing in the 100 block of East Fourth Street, near Main Street, about 3 a.m. Monday when she was hit by a car. She was taken to a hospital, the Los Angeles Police Department reported.

``A four-door passenger vehicle that was traveling in reverse struck her,'' an LAPD statement said. ``Martin was knocked to the ground and the driver stopped. Per Martin, the driver stepped out, pulled her out from under the vehicle, and began to walk back to his vehicle.

``Prior to getting back into his vehicle, the driver was asked by Martin if he was leaving, and his response was, `(I) sure am,''' police said.

The man was described as Black, 25-30 years old, and weighing about 170 to 190 pounds. The car was described only as dark in color, with four doors.

``Martin is asking for the public's help in locating her brown long- hair pet Chihuahua-Terrier named `Little Man,' " police said. ``She was carrying the dog when the crash occurred.''

Anyone with information on the case was urged to call Detective Juan Campos, Central Traffic Detectives, at 213-833-3713 or e-mail him at 31480@lapd.online. Tipsters may also call 877-LAPD-247, or Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS.

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