Happy ‘Twosday’, Love: Google

In case you haven’t already noticed, today is filled with the number 2. It’s February 22nd, 2022 (2/2/22) on a Tuesday! So, it’s only fitting that Google celebrates the occasion by featuring a special little surprise for those searching the date in its numerical form.

Now, anyone familiar with Google knows that awhile back, they began paying homage and tribute to particular dates by putting a ‘theme’ in their logo, carefully placed above the search bar on their main website. Today, if you search 2/2/22, you’ll be showered with a graphic of confetti and a bunch of twos, followed by a message that reads “Happy Twosday 2You!”

We are currently experiencing a series of palindrome dates. A palindrome is a word, phrase or numerical sequence that can be read the same backward and forward. The series began on Sunday – 2/20/22 and ends 2/28/22. And who could forget Groundhog Day, which fell on 2/2/22.

What makes today more special than any of the within this series is that it also happens to fall on a Tuesday. And if you thought it couldn’t get any cooler than that, you’ll also have two opportwonuties (you see what I did there) to mark the time on the clock at 2:22!

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