More Vote Centers Open for Nov. 2 Municipal Elections

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Additional vote centers have opened for Tuesday's local and municipal elections in Los Angeles County, officials announced today.

The centers will be open daily for in-person voting from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., or to return a completed vote by mail ballot. All vote centers will follow current public health and safety guidelines related to COVID-19, Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk Dean Logan said.

The location of the vote centers can be found at

Completed ballots can also be dropped off at one of many drop boxes countywide. Their locations can be found at

The following measures appear on the ballot:

-- A real estate sales tax to fund public safety and essential services in Inglewood.

-- An increase in the transient occupancy tax paid only by hotel/motel guests in Inglewood.

-- A special parcel tax on industrial property for the city of Commerce.

-- A charter amendment to remove all references to the Alhambra Unified School District from the Alhambra city charter.

Offices will also be filled for the Community Service District, the Kinneloa and Littlerock Creek Irrigation Districts, and the Miraleste and Ridgecrest Ranchos Recreation and Parks Districts.

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