V.P. Kamala Harris Hired Child Actors for Bizarre Space Video

Vice President, Kamala Harris, recently released a video trying to get children interested in the wonders of space exploration. Harris was accompanied by a few children who seemed very interested... those children were all child actors who had to audition for their roles.

Carlo Bernardino, a father of a 13-year old named Trevor who was one of the actors hired to be part of the video, told the Washington Examiner:

“All five of them are actors,”

Bernardino elaborated on that by stating,

“He’s a child actor — he’s been trying to do this type of thing for a while. And so he has a manager and an agent in LA and they send him castings.”

The 13-year-old actor, Trevor Bernardino, spoke to KSBW about auditioning for the role in the Vice President's video. He mentioned that he was told to submit a monologue about a topic that he is passionate about and what three questions he'd ask a world leader. The next step after that part of the audition was an interview with the producers of the video - this episode on space exploration will be part of Harris' Youtube Original series called, "Get Curious with Vice President Harris".

"Then after that, like a week later my agent called me and was like, ‘Hey Trevor, you booked it,'”

Bernardino stated

The video was shot from August 11th through August 13th of this year at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington.

At the time of writing this article, the video has been seen more than 294k times with 2.2k likes and a whopping 13k dislikes. Comment's have been disabled for the video.

Trevor Bernardino discussed meeting the Vice President:

“There’s nothing that can top that. Like honestly, she just sat us down. She’s super charismatic. She’s everything that I ever thought of her, plus more,” ... “She made me feel like one of her peers, and at the time, I felt super important. I was talking to her face to face.”

To watch the video that is... interesting, click here

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