Photo: Getty Images
LOS ANGELES (CNS) - On the last day of National Preparedness Month, Los Angeles City Controller Ron Galperin released an online map to help Angelenos know where to access city's services during a natural disaster.
The “Get Ready, Stay Prepared'' map includes all Los Angeles Fire Department and Los Angeles Police Department stations, as well as city buildings, like council field offices, that provide services.
The site also features emergency preparedness checklists to help Los Angeles residents prepare for the next earthquake, fire, flood or pandemic, and Galperin urged people to:
-- make a plan by using resources from the Red Cross and Los Angeles Fire Department, which are available on the site;
-- assemble an emergency kit using a suggested list of supplies necessary to prepare for an emergency; and sign up for alerts: receive critical information when disaster strikes, locally through NotifyLA and before earthquakes happen with the MyShake app.
“As National Preparedness Month comes to a close, it's important to remember that being ready for a crisis is a year-round responsibility,'' Galperin said.
“My `Get Ready, Stay Prepared' resource map puts together the city's emergency preparedness and response information in one easily accessible location and provides a simple checklist to help our communities know what to do and where to turn when disaster strikes.''
Galperin's map of recourses is available at
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