We might be a little biased, but we have an AMAZING crew here at KFI. They are the hardest working people in radio.
Now, you might know that from what you hear on-air, but what you don't know is that there's a lot of people working behind the scenes to help bring that awesome product to air. Most of these people you don't get to hear from much because they're not on-air talent, but their work is invaluable and without them, KFI wouldn't be KFI!
Even more important, so many of these people are the most essential of essential workers, and have been here, in house, at the station from Day 1 of the pandemic because there was no way for them to do their job from home.
So each month, we present one of these employees with the KFI Employee of The Month honor to recognize these amazing people and to give you a little more insight into those that bring you the KFI you love each day, and the best part is that these winners are chosen by their peers!
Each Employee of the Month receives a few fun prizes, a certificate, an official award, will be featured in an on-air promo and their name will be enshrined on a perpetual plaque that will be located in our building.
So, we'd like to introduce you to KFI's Employee of the Month for July.....Michael Crozier!
Photo: Photo Credit: Sheron Bellio Used With Permission
With 32 years under his belt, Michael started at KFI, well, actually KOST back in 1989...so he's one of the longest-running employees at KFI!
He worked for KOST, then switched over to KFI, and also for a time, KLAC as Assistant Program Director when the station was running music.
He's done just about every job under the sun here. From board operator, screener, promotions assistant, remote engineer, producer, news reporter, news anchor....he's pretty much done it all and always with a great attitude and boundless energy.
Here's what some of Michael's co-workers had to say about him:
“Crozier has been here for more than 30 years. Whether it was his job or not, he basically has worked every single position. From board op, screener, remote promotions assistant, engineer and more, he’s done just about every single job in the place. It’s about time he has been recognized for his hard work and dedication to the station!”
“He has been here for many years working hard and paying dues. His talents on the Conway show are finally being recognized. When I heard the story about him and his daughter here at Christmas time opening gifts and working away, that deserves some sort of recognition. A true above and beyond moment. He’s a great co-worker and delivers the news with witty personality.”
“Michael has spent 32 loyal years w KFI. He knows KFI & radio inside and out. He has trained so many of our best workers, he is a trusted source for news. Grateful to have someone that is so knowledgeable of the history, been part of decisions that have morphed KFI into the powerhouse it is. He adds so much on the air in substance, comedy and knowledge of news. We all love this guy and deserves this honor for all his hard work over the years that has gone unnoticed due to working overnights.”
“Crozier brings an energy that is unmatched. Additionally, he has been kicking ass and taking names around here for about 30 years I believe.”
“Cro is very deserving - often has worked tough shifts time-wise, pays beautiful attention to details, always a team player, trying to help whoever he can. Great sense of humor, great guy!”
Get to know Michael a little better through our little interview below
Where did you grow up?
I was born in Washington DC and moved to Miami as a toddler with my family. My parents divorced when I was 7 and I went with my dad to Kansas for a year. Then we moved back to DC for another 6 years before moving to Southern Maryland to finish high school and eventually move out here by myself.
How long have you worked in radio?
As soon as I got out here I joined the Columbia School of Broadcasting in 1988 to KEEP me out here. I quickly got an internship at KOST/KFI, where I called people during their dinner to ask what music they listened to and I’ve been with the KFI side since the very early 90’s.
What made you decide on a career in radio?
I mostly came out here for acting, but radio was something I had an affinity for as well. I’ve always done imitations and weird voices.
What do you like most about your job?
Radio has allowed me a voice. I am a disseminator of information. It used to be just about the power of making people react. Time and experience have allowed me to understand the value of not just reaction, but in affecting people in a way that makes them not just laugh or cry, but understand why they laugh or cry. Before moving to the News Room, I was mostly on the “show” side which scratched the creative itch. With News, I get to let my OCD fly. Attention to detail and fact is priority number 1. I take immense pride in being a part of a group of people, particularly my direct boss Chris Little, who care SO much about being factual and unbiased. In a time where, “the media,” gets so much blame for stuff(much of it deserved), I get to be incredibly defensive about my and our part in what people can rely on to be true.
Any pet peeves?
People who blanket blame “the media.” It’s lazy. People who lack pride in their job and how that affects the people they work with.
Favorite hobbies
Cooking. Fixing stuff. Music. NFL
Favorite food / drink?
A great deli sandwich. Oysters and caviar. Opus One. Cold milk. I have a large list. I don’t discriminate, lol.
What does the perfect 'day off' for you consist of?
Sleeping in. Outside of that, every day can be perfect if the right person is with you, even if it’s just you.
What's the one thing that people don't know about you?
I have fought through major depressing times in my life, BUT I wouldn’t change a thing.
Any advice for anyone just starting in the radio business?
Learn everything you can. There are more jobs than you realize that require many different talents. Find the people who know what they're doing and are willing to share. There are plenty who don’t and won’t. The ones that do and will are always there and they’re looking for you. And above all else…empathy.
Photo: Photo Credit: Sheron Bellio Used With Permission