Check out this bizarre story out of India...
A bride-to-be suffered a heart attack and died during her wedding ceremony -- so her sister married the groom instead!
The unusual turn of events happened on May 27th during a wedding in Uttar Pradesh, according to local media reports. The bride-to-be, identified only as Surabhi, suffered a heart attack during the traditional exchange of the garlands with the groom, The Times of India reports.
But rather than scrub the wedding, the families of the bride and groom decided to have Surabhi's younger sister take her place...
“It was a bizarre situation as the wedding of my younger sister took place while the dead body of my other sister was lying in another room,” Saurabh, Surabhi’s brother, told the Times of India.
“We have never witnessed such mixed emotions,” says Ajab Singh, Surabhi’s uncle. “The grief over her death and the happiness of the wedding has yet to sink in."
Read the full story on USA Today.