Absent-Minded Nurse gives Woman 6 Doses of Vaccine

A 23-year-old Italian woman got quite a scare after a distracted nurse injected her with six doses of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine, health officials say.

  • The accidental overdose occurred Sunday in Tuscany, according to the Italian Health Ministry. The patient was observed for 24 hours after receiving the overfilled shot and displayed no adverse reactions, doctors say. "The patient did not have fever and did not have any pain except for pain at the inoculation site, nor any other manifestations," says Dr. Antonella Vicenti. "She was a bit frightened, thus we preferred to keep her here until this morning."
  • Dr. Tommaso Bellandi, an official with the Tuscany Health Authority, says the accident occurred because the administering nurse experienced an "attention lapse."
  • Should this nurse be fired? Can doctors be sure there won't be long-term effects from the overdose?

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