A pair of similarly-shaped metallic structures has mysteriously appeared nearly six thousand miles away from each other within the last two weeks.
On November 18th, a 10-foot silver monolith was discovered in a remote canyon in southeastern Utah. After its coordinates were revealed via the internet last week, numerous people began making the trek into the desert to see the infamous attraction.
The area is not conducive to accommodating a high volume of visitors, many of whom parked on vegetation and left trash behind. This prompted the Bureau of Land Management to take action. Last Friday Ross Bernards, who works as a canyoneering guide, said he and a group were taking pictures of the curious structure when four men showed up to haul it away.
Now another shiny triangular pillar has been spotted in Romania. This one also appears to be made of metal and stands roughly as tall as it's American counterpart. The obvious difference between the two is the one found on a hill in the city of Piatra Neamt has what looks to be squiggly markings on the back and a slanted top.
Authorites in both areas say they don't know how the monoliths got there. Officials have confirmed that the one erected in Romania was done so on private property near an archeological site which would require special permission to install.
Many theorize it could be the work of aliens pointing toward similar work seen in "2001: A Space Odyssey."
Perhaps it's a good old-fashioned, elaborate hoax, or an as-yet-to-be-revealed marketing campaign of some sort. One thing seems certain; few, if any, believe the two events are not connected to one another.