Blue Shield Announces Major Investment for Youth Mental Health, Well-Being

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan announced today that it is providing a total of $950,000 to two nonprofit organizations aimed at improving the health outcomes of youth in Compton and the Antelope Valley with programs that support behavioral health and well-being.

ScaleLA Foundation will receive $900,000 for a two-year initiative to destigmatize challenges associated with behavioral health, help school officials, families and teens identify key indicators to better support youth mental health, and to improve care coordination and service delivery for families affected by trauma.

The ScaleLA initiative begins this month with a “design thinking challenge'' for students at Compton Unified School District's Dominguez High School, and a winning solution will be selected by a panel of judges in December and developed next year, officials said.

The Center for Youth Wellness will receive $50,000 to work with Blue Shield Promise clinics in Lancaster and Palmdale as part of a national effort to change pediatric medicine and transform the way society responds to kids with significant adverse childhood experiences and stress.

“It is imperative that we find ways to better support youth mental health, particularly during these times when many are dealing with COVID-19, health and social disparities and wildfires, among other issues,'' said Dr. Susan Fleischman, Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan's chief medical officer.

“We want to ensure the availability of resources to support mental health and behavioral needs and are thankful for the opportunity to collaborate with these nonprofits,'' she said. “The work they do is directly aligned with our mission that everyone deserves access to quality health care.''

Photo: Getty Images

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