LAPD Headquarters Targeted By Demonstrators

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Several dozen demonstrators vandalized windows downtown and tore down metal barriers outside Los Angeles Police Department headquarters as officers in riot gear stood guard.

The group gathered in front of LAPD headquarters near Main and First streets about 9:40 p.m. Monday, but it was unclear what they were protesting. It was unclear what group might have organized the gathering.

Officers stood watch behind metal barriers as the individuals, some carrying umbrellas, tore down some of those barriers along Spring Street, between First and Second streets, before moving on. A smoke bomb or fireworks also may have been set off during the incident, KCAL9 reported.

Video from the scene showed participants with their faces covered burning an American flag near police headquarters and using what appeared to be metal pipes to break windows of a nearby building. Several arrests were reported in the area, CBS2 reported, but police did not immediately confirm those arrests.

Online video showed a protester with what appeared to be a skateboard standing in front of an LAPD SUV on a downtown street, pounding the hood of the vehicle and yelling ``Do it! Do it! Kill me!'' The man quickly backed away when officers stopped the vehicle and began to exit the SUV. The video cut off before it could be determined what happened next.

About 10 p.m., police SUVs were parked in the intersections of Main and Second streets and Spring and First streets. The group had moved away from LAPD headquarters and was in the area of Hill and Fifth streets about 10:10 p.m.

The activity wrapped up around 11 p.m.

No injuries were immediately reported.

Photo: Getty Images

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