Netflix’s Reed Hastings and Patty Quillin Donate $120M to Black Education

Photo: Getty Images

As part of the fight for racial justice sparked by the killing of George Floyd, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings and his wife Patty Quillin have announced that they will donate $120 million to the United Negro College Fund.

In addition, Hastings will give $40 million each to Spelman College and Morehouse College, two historically Black colleges located in Atlanta.

During an interview on MSNBC, Hastings said,"The times are the most stressed, the most painful, that we’ve ever seen in our lives.But out of that pain can come some opportunity, too. And maybe this will be the moment things change."

Hastings also added,"We wanted to do our part to draw attention, in this case, to the HBCU's 150 years of resilience, of educating young Black people and the stories not well understood in the white community."

"We realized that if we really wanna support the HBCUs in the right way, we should dig deeper ... And so that's where, you know, Patty and I wanted to really go big and really start the ball rolling ... As big and wonderful as this gift is, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the need," Hastings concluded with.

For more information, please read here.

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