Taxpayers Are Paying For 25 Separate COVID-19 Anxiety Studies

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The coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of stress within the country. This is inevitable. Well all this stress has gotten the National Science Foundation intrigued.

But not in a good way. This has caused taxpayers to have millions of their dollars used on 25 different studies.

Are they kidding us? Why would we need 25 different studies? Apparently, they are 25 various demographics.

For example, we get a study on how New York parents are handling homeschooling their children and a study on how "at-risk" people are adjusting to stress of the virus.

Ok those make sense, but there are also a study of whether access to green space has helped college kids cope when campuses closed and they were sent back home. Which is not to be confused with the $163,033 study of how graduate students are coping with stress. Or the $75,319 study of how undergraduate engineering students are handling stress.

This just is a complete waste of money. What purposes will these studies hold? Everyone is stress, we know this.

There are projects to test how to extend the life of the N95 masks that can filter out the coronavirus and those matter. Seeing the differences in stress levels does nothing to make things better.

The John and Ken Show thought it was best you knew were your tax dollars were going,

For more information, please read here.

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