Extensive COVID-19 Fighting Protocols To Be Put in Place at Caruso Malls


LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Shoppers at The Grove and the nine other upscale Caruso malls in the Los Angeles area will encounter new coronavirus-fighting procedures when the properties reopen, it was reported today.

The procedures include having “physical distancing ambassadors'' advising guests and employees to follow distancing guidelines while on the properties, a highly visible staff cleaning every bathroom stall after it is used and requiring every person setting foot on a Caruso property to wear a mask, according to the Los Angeles Times.

“It's a small price we have to pay to get back together,'' company founder Rick Caruso told The Times. He added he considers his mask “part of the daily uniform.''

Restrooms will have an attendant present throughout all operating hours to clean stalls after each use and make sure that no more than 50% of the stalls are being used at any given time, The Times reported.

Caruso told The Times he is uncertain when the properties including The Americana at Brand in Glendale and Palisades Village will be able to reopen, but is confident shoppers will return to his malls because they're outdoors.

“The minute we say come on back, I think people are going to come back,'' he said. “The challenge for us is managing the crowd so we can observe all the right protocols. It might be the first time in history we turn people away.''

Photo: Getty Images

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