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Santa Clarita is ready to open.
They feel like Los Angeles County's orders are conflicting. Mayor Cameron Smyth hosted a live stream to discuss a list of decisions the City Council made Tuesday night, starting with sending a letter Wednesday to the county formally opposing any new extensions of the Safer at Home order, which is scheduled to expire Friday.
“Nobody is saying that communities should be reopened automatically and go back to pre-COVID circumstances, but to not provide a roadmap, a guideline for communities, businesses to plan for how they can reopen and protect their employees, protect their customers, and in the city’s case, continue to try and provide services to our community, is just untenable,” Smyth said during the livestream.
This eventually led Santa Clarita to decide to petition for the opportunity to follow Newsom's guidelines without staying in line with the county's orders.
“What is going to happen, I believe, very quickly is Los Angeles County and others are going to be in a position where their order is in conflict with the state, and that’s going to put communities like Santa Clarita, Antelope Valley, Palmdale, Lancaster, Burbank (and) other communities in Los Angeles County in a difficult position because you’re going to have the state outlining a set of orders and you’re going to have the county of Los Angeles having another set of orders, and it’s going to force people to make a decision on whether or not they are going to be following state law but then being in conflict with the county law, and could be subjecting themselves to some type of enforcement,” he said.
It seems like other cities will follow suit soon.
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