Man Being Treated After Drinking Cleaning Solution to Kill Coronavirus

As if the world could get any crazier... A Kansas man is now being treated after he downed a cleaning product over the weekend.

The incident was part of a 40 percent spike in clean product poisonings that have been reported since President Donald Trump said disinfectants could be effective in fighting the coronavirus, according to Lee Norman, secretary for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

Norman says the increased tally includes "a fellow over the weekend who drank a product because of the advice he'd received."

But it's not just in Kansas anymore, Toto.

"We had hundreds of calls come in to our emergency hotline at our health department asking if it what was right to ingest Clorox or alcohol cleaning products, whether that was going to help them fight the virus," Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said on Sunday. "So we had to put out that warning to make sure that people were not doing something like that which would kill people."

During an April 23rd coronavirus briefing, Trump said, "I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning?" A White House spokesman later said Trump was only being sarcastic when he made the comment.

Regardless of whether Trump was being sarcastic or not, shouldn't people know better than to drink cleaning solution?! Who knows anymore...

Read the full report on the Business Insider.

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