Dr. Wendy's friend Mia Adler Ozair didn't know what hit her in February. There wasn't really too much happening here in Los Angeles, yet, to make people assume contagion of a faraway virus. It wasn't real yet.
Somehow, someway, Mia found herself with terrible chest pain that wouldn't go away. Listen to the mother of NINE share the story of her six-week illness.
Dr. Wendy and Mia also talk about how people are coping with the stress and pressure and expectations of our very strange lives right now. Have you had a tantrum? You're not the only one! In fact, it's pretty darn normal and there's no shame in just being human. Sometimes we just need to let it out. And sometimes it's not pretty. Take some time alone. Cry. Get it out.
And if you do find you have hurt a few feelings, respect that. Give that person permission to be mad. Apologize genuinely, as many times as you need. After that just give yourself a little time and give yourself a break. We are in unchartered waters here.
The general consensus: We're all doing the best we can.