2nd Cal State Los Angeles Student Tests Positive for Coronavirus

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - A second student at Cal State Los Angeles has tested positive for coronavirus, campus officials announced today.

“The student has not been on campus for nearly three weeks, days before starting to experience symptoms, and has not physically been in contact with anyone in our community since that time,” according to a statement from university Student Health Center Director Dr. Monica Jazzabi.

“I have spoken to the student and determined that this case has not posed a threat of exposure to the university community,” Jazzabi said. “The student is self-isolating at home and is currently doing well.”

She urged any students with concerns or questions about how to respond to a possible contact with coronavirus to contact the Student Health Center at 323-343-3302.

“During spring break, I strongly urge you to abide by the stay-at- home orders issued by officials,” she wrote. “Please practice social distancing, remain at home except to access essentials and avoid non-essential domestic or international traveling.”

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