LOS ANGELES (CNS) - All Los Angeles County Military & Veterans Affairs locations will be closed for business until further notice due to the coronavirus pandemic, but necessary services to veterans and their families will continue to be provided via telephone and electronic mail, it was announced today.
Claims will continue to be filed electronically, including those for compensation, pension, college fee waivers or burial benefits, according to the county Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.
Veterans can contact an MVA Veteran Service Officer directly by calling 1-877-4LA-VETS, 213-765-9680 or 213-765-9681 or via email at outreachmva.lacounty.gov
For immediate assistance, general questions or to check on the status of a claim or appeal, contact the VA at 1-800-827-1000 or the CalVet District Office at 213-620-2755.
Veteran Service tenants housed at Bob Hope Patriotic Hall may be contacted at the following:
-- Veterans America's Job Center of California: 213-742-9560, Herbert Thau, HThauJVS-SoCal.org
-- USVets: 213-700-6450, Antonio Casasola, ACasasolausvetsinc.org
-- LA County Mental Health: 213-763-0300, Nancy Pelayo, NPelayodmh.lacounty.gov, Katherine Guerra, Kguerradmh.lacounty.gov
-- LA County Bar Association, Veterans Legal Services Project: 213-896- 6537, inquiries-veteranslacba.org
-- Community Veteran Justice Project: 818-633-2440, Jodi Galvin, Office.cvjpgmail.com
-- California State University Northridge VITA Tax Service: csu5vitacsun.edu
Anyone experiencing depression, anxiety or havinf thoughts of self- harm call the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255.
To better cope with stress during COVID-19, visit the LA County Department of Mental Health website.
The LA Regional Food Bank continues to be operational. For a food bank location, go here: https://www.lafoodbank.org/find-food/pantry-locator/.
For health information, visit the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health website, http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/Coronavirus/.
The Department of Military and Veterans Affairs provides assistance to Los Angeles County veterans, active service members and their families with resources, programs, services and state and federal benefits, including compensation and pension claims, burial benefits and services, medical and mental health referral, education and vocational rehabilitation, home loans and grants applications, employment and job placement assistance, DMV veteran designation, legal service referrals and appeal processes.