20.6 Percent Turnout Reported in L.A. County


LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk Dean C. Logan announced today that a total of 1,137,023 ballots were processed and counted for the presidential primary election, with 20.62% of eligible registered voters casting ballots.

In reporting semi-official results, he said 651,392 votes were cast at voting centers and 485,631 votes were cast by mail.

Logan noted there are still many outstanding ballots to be counted, which will happen once they're verified.

His office's first ballot counting update is scheduled for this afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m. No data was immediately available on the number of outstanding ballots.

In the last presidential primary in June 2016, more than 2 million residents or roughly 42% of Los Angeles County registered voters cast ballots.

The county also posted among the lowest turnouts when compared with other California counties in Tuesday's election. The statewide turnout was 25.8%. The turnout in Marin and Sonoma counties was more than 37% , and higher still in several counties along the Nevada border. San Francisco reported 28.6% and Fresno had 24.8% of voters come out to cast a ballot, according to a mapping tool on the Secretary of State's website.

Photo: Getty Images

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