Dr. Drew Pinsky, known nationally as “Dr. Drew,” has been both on television and radio for the entirety of his multi-faceted career. The combination of running a thriving medical practice (he still treats patients!), while simultaneously cultivating a successful media career, has resulted in his unprecedented reservoir of expertise...
Luckily for the Conway Crew, Dr. Drew is bringing his expertise live to OUR show! Tonight!
Photo: Getty Images
Dr. Drew will join Tim Conway Jr. tonight to discuss mental health, the homeless crisis in Los Angeles, and much more. This is an interview you won't want to miss!
And did you know... Dr. Drew was recently on the Masked Singer!
We love this video of him preforming 'These Boots Are Made For Walkin':
Tune into the Tim Conway Jr. Show TONIGHT at 6:30 p.m. PT to hear from Dr. Drew himself!