Imagine this...
You're simply trying to take the subway to your job in New York City, but during your commute you notice two men dressed in full-body hazmat suits, and holding a bucket of liquid labeled "COVID-19"...
Well, it happened not too long ago.
“I hope that’s Kool-Aid,” one passenger asked the two — while another asked, “Is that coronavirus?”
Then moments later, one of the teens pretends to fall onto the floor, spilling the liquid plastered with "WARNING" stickers...
Thankfully, it was all a sick joke, and the liquid was actually just Kool-Aid.
The pair was later identified by Insider as pranksters David Flores, 17, and Morris Cordewell, 19, of Queens.
“The first half [of the prank], people were kinda scared,” Cordewell told Insider. “After we were like, ‘Yo, it’s a prank,’ people were laughing.”
Would this be funny to you?! Let us know on Twitter, @johnandkenshow.
Check out the full story on the New York Post.