The Spike in California's Homelessness Has Caused a National Rise

Homelessness Reaches All-Time Record In New York City

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Another blow hits California!

As several states including Maine, Iowa, Vermont, and Connecticut saw a decrease in homelessness in 2019, California actually saw a pretty big spike.

According to US News and World Report, California saw an increase of 16.4% in homelessness in 2019 meaning there was an estimated 151,278 homeless people.

This is bigger than any other state's increase of homelessness combined.

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson made this statement:

"As we look across our nation, we see great progress, but we're also seeing a continued increase in street homelessness along our West Coast where the cost of housing is extremely high."

He continued:

"In fact, homelessness in California is at a crisis level and needs to be addressed by local and state leaders with crisis-like urgency."
"Addressing these challenges will require a broader, community-wide response that engages every level of government to compassionately house our fellow citizens who call the streets their home."

Other states who saw an increase include New Mexico and Idaho.

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