Gov. Newsom Is Being Criticized For How He Plans To Use The Gas Tax


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We're going to "pretend" to be shocked by this news.

California Governor, Gavin Newsom, is getting heat for how he plans to use the gas tax money.

Wait, you're trying to tell us?

That Governor Nuisance is being an absolute idiot. Did we not warn everyone months ago before he was elected?

You've seen the gas prices lately. They just keep constantly going up. We're stuck paying outrageous prices just to get from one place to another.

Newsom wants to use the billions of dollars raised from the gas tax (which as a reminder, we told you to vote 'Yes on 6' to prevent this) for transportation projects.

You've got to be joking us. THERE'S A HOMELESS CRISIS IN THIS STATE. But let's use the millions of dollars on making a high speed bullet train that will never be finished.

Newsom has even angered people in his parties because he's refusing to give more money to fixing the conditions of sidewalks, bike lanes, and crosswalks. He vetoed the bill that would extend the budget this past weekend.

“This veto is extremely disappointing,” said state Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), author of the bill, “Far too many of our state highways that run through local communities are dangerous for people who aren’t driving cars.”

“We are appalled by Governor Newsom’s decision to derail SB 127 despite overwhelming support by the public and the Legislature,” said Tony Dang, executive director of California Walks.

Now we're not saying we agree with this bill.

What we're trying to show you is; this guy is a total joke. He has no regard for what the public wants and deserves.

Can we just recall Newsom already? We can't take a full term. He hasn't even been in office a full year and he's already driving us all insane.

For more information, please read here.

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