Los Angeles Could End Up Spending 600,000 For Homeless Housing


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We really shouldn't be shocked. But it looks like Los Angeles is going to end up over spending on homeless housing.

A recent audit released shows that it's actually more efficient if they spent money on shelters rather than $600,000 a piece for housing.

“The median cost of building many of these units approaches — and in many cases, exceeds — the median sale price of a condominium in the City of Los Angeles and of a single-family home in Los Angeles County,” according to the audit.

So basically, Los Angeles would be wasting money and going over budget. The city is granted a $1.2 homeless housing bond and would quickly blow through it if they went through with building houses.

If the city went with shelters, they would have the money to approve over 10,000 shelters.

Of course to us, there's an obvious way to go about this. There are thousands of homeless taking over our streets and the best way to handle this situation is to get more vagrants into a place to live.

So if that means making more shelters instead of housing. That's what we should do. The goal is to use the money efficiently and get people off the streets.

This is Los Angeles we're talking about though. They aren't going to do it right.

For more information, check out the LA Times article here.

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