Walrus Sinks Russian Navy Boat In The Arctic Ocean

Walruses (Odobenus rosmarus) popping their heads out of the

The Russian Navy was no match for a female walrus defending her young. Russian sailors with the Northern Fleet were taking part in a joint expedition with the Russian Geographical Society in the Arctic Ocean when they encountered the walrus while trying to land on Cape Geller.

The crew launched an inflatable craft to take the researchers to the shore when the female walrus started attacking the boat. The crew managed to fend off the walrus and get the researchers to safety.

"Serious troubles were avoided thanks to the clear and well-coordinated actions of the Northern Fleet servicemen, who were able to take the boat away from the animals without harming them," the Russian Ministry of Defense said in a statement. 

While nobody was hurt in the attack, the inflatable boat was damaged and sank to the bottom of the ocean.

"The boat sank, but a tragedy was avoided thanks to the prompt action by the squad leader. All landing participants safely reached the shore."

The main Russian ship was not damaged and will remain in the area while the researchers continue their mission to map the region and identify the flora and fauna that live on the cape.

Photo: Getty Images

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